Somebody Somewhere

A few months back we found ourselves on social media talking to a few super-rad folks working on a super-awesome new show on HBO set in present day Manhattan, KS. They asked us if we would be willing to print some custom tees for their dedicated crew with a special message congratulating everyone on a SECOND season! Of course we said YES! The show is wonderful. We cannot wait to see the second season! (And keep your eyes peeled for a Kinfolk sighting. No promises but our fingers are staying crossed!)

If you have not seen the show PLEASE DO! You still have time to catch up before next season. — From their official website, “Somebody Somewhere follows Sam, a true Kansan on the surface who, beneath it all, struggles to fit the hometown mold. As Sam grapples with loss and acceptance, singing is her saving grace and leads her on a journey to discover herself and a community of outsiders who don't fit in but don't give up, showing that finding your people, and finding your voice, is possible. Anywhere. Somewhere.”

Learn more about Sam (Manhattan Kansas native Bridget Everett), the complete show backstory, and the amazing cast of characters on their official website.

Left: Somebody Somewhere cast and crew, some are wearing Kinfolk! — Right: Actor and comedian Jeff Hiller with actress and comedian Lennon Parham. She’s wearing our Konza Prairie tee! Yay!

Left: The Little Apple designed by Kinfolk Created — Right: Kinfolk sticker photographed in front of the historic Wareham Opera House in downtown Manhattan, KS.

Bryan Lisbona