Needless to say, HBO’s “Somebody Somewhere” is our favorite show! Kinfolk loves ALL THINGS Kansas and this project was built with passion right from the start. The writers are amazing, the directing is silky-smooth and the acting is beyond excellent. We honestly feel like the characters could be our friends in real life. We are proud this show features the Sunflower State and our collective desire to be a transparent, kind and inclusive state.
This SPECIAL EDITION set of vinyl decals reflect on some of our favorite moments from all three seasons of the show. The sauce packet invitation to choir practice, the tender moments filled with knick-knacks and doodads, St. Louis sushi, wild cunts, french toast for the table, Rick the Dick, and the fact we are all LOCO for ROCOCO!
(13) custom stickers
(1) “St. Louis Sushi” metal button